Environmental Audit | Meaning, Need and Service Provider in India, GCRDPL

2018-01-06 5

This video describes what is environmental auditing, why it is needed and who require this?
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Environmental auditing is basically an environmental administration activity for measuring the impacts of specific exercises on nature and environment against set criteria or norms. Environmental auditing helps in measuring the effects of activities of an Organization/Industry on the environment against set criteria or standards. It helps in improving the existing adverse effects on the environment if any by systematically conduct the audit. Environmental Audit is done for an 'industry' centers itself: To enter yield investigation in regard of crude materials, vitality and water; to lead health and security review including wellbeing safety measures to be clung to while transporting chemicals and to direct environmental quality review, which deals with ambient air quality, stack emissions, solid/hazardous wastes and noise pollution.Continual improvement of Organization/Industry can be achieved through environmental auditing by taking corrective measures to enhance overall growth of Organization/Industry.Environment Audit Statement (Form V) which is mandatory document submitted by Industry by 30th September of each year. Gaheli Center of Research and Development Pvt. Ltd. (GCRDPL), has been actively providing assistance to the clients of various industries across the country in achieving the target of Environment Compliance. This ultimately enhances the image and adds value to Organization/Industry.